What is SSI and How to Avoid SSI Injection Vulnerability?

August 13, 2024

In the world of web security, the concept of SSI (Server Side Includes) has an important place. Developers and security experts looking for an answer to the question of what SSI is want to understand how this technology is used in web applications and potential risks. SSI is a technology that works on the server side and is used to add dynamic content to web pages. However, when used incorrectly, it can lead to serious security vulnerabilities.

In this article, we will take an in-depth look at what SSI is and how it works. We will discuss what SSI injection vulnerability is and how it affects web applications. We will also discuss how developers can take precautions against this vulnerability and share best practices for safe SSI handling. Finally, we will summarise the steps that should be taken to make web applications more secure, emphasising the importance of SSI security.

What is SSI (Server Side Include)?

Definition and Purpose of SSI

SSI (Server Side Include) is a technology that enables dynamic content inclusion on websites. Considering that web pages consist of more than one part, SSI is used to bring these parts together. This technology, which means ‘Server Side Include’ in Turkish, saves time by automatically adding content to all pages.

Use of SSI Directives

SSI works through special directives. These directives usually start with a ‘#’ sign and are placed in HTML pages. The server looks for and executes these directives in sequence. Example SSI directives are:

<!–#echo var="DOCUMENT_URI" –>
<!–#echo var="DATE_LOCAL"–>
<!–#echo var="REMOTE_ADDR" –>

The Role of SSI in Web Applications

SSI offers web developers the possibility to create dynamic content. The server processes SSI directives in HTML pages and displays the results to the user. In this way, repetitive elements such as common headers, footers or navigation menus can be easily managed. SSI significantly simplifies the maintenance and updating of websites.

What is SSI? Injection Vulnerability and Effects

Mechanism of SSI Injection Attacks

SSI injection vulnerability occurs as a result of insufficient validation of user inputs in web applications. Attackers inject malicious SSI directives using entry points such as form fields or URL parameters. These directives, when processed by the server, cause unwanted commands to be executed.

Risk of Access to Sensitive Information

SSI injection attacks can provide unauthorised access to sensitive data. Attackers can read server files, execute system commands and even access database content. This can lead to the compromise of user information, passwords, and other confidential data. You can take a look at our Cyber Security Courses page to learn how you should behave in these situations.

Sample SSI Injection Scenarios

  1. Viewing File Contents::<!–#include virtual=”/etc/passwd” –>
    This directive displays the passwd file containing user information on Unix systems.
  2. Running System Commands:<!–#exec cmd=”ls” –>
    This example lists the directory contents by running the ‘ls’ command on the server.

Inadequate cyber security measures can lead to vulnerability to such attacks and create greater vulnerabilities.

ssi 1

SSI Injection Vulnerability Protection Methods

Input Validation and Sanitisation

What is SSI? The basis of protection against SSI injection attacks is input validation. All user-supplied input must be carefully validated and sanitised to prevent harmful SSI directives. This is the first step in minimising potential threats. Developers should check the validity of inputs in terms of data type and expected format, and filter out ambiguous or harmful content.

Limitation of SSI Directives

Limiting the use of SSI directives on the server side is an effective way to increase the level of security. SSI directives should only be allowed where necessary and their use should be strictly controlled. This approach significantly reduces the potential attack surface.

Use of Safe File Extensions

File extensions help operating systems recognise file types. To protect against SSI injection attacks, it is important to use safe file extensions. Developers should only allow safe and approved file extensions and block potentially dangerous extensions. This helps prevent malicious code from being installed and executed.


What is SSI? Although SSI technology is a powerful tool for adding dynamic content to web applications, it should be used carefully in terms of security. SSI injection vulnerability poses a serious threat to the security of web applications and can lead to the capture of sensitive information. Developers taking measures such as input validation, sanitisation and limiting SSI directives can significantly reduce this risk.

Since web security is a constantly evolving field, it is crucial for developers to be knowledgeable about current threats and protection methods. SSI security is only one part of overall web application security and requires a holistic approach. For more information, you can review our cyber security trainings. In conclusion, the use of secure SSI and proactive security measures play a key role in ensuring the reliability of web applications and the protection of user data.

Frequently Asked Questions About SSI

What exactly is SSI injection?

SSI injection is a vulnerability that allows server-side template engines to be manipulated by attackers to inject malicious code. This works in a similar way to Client-Side Template Injection.

What does SSI support mean?

SSI stands for Server Side Includes and is in fact a programming language in its own right. This language runs on the server and allows users to add dynamic content to their web pages. However, SSI is a collection of functions defined in another PHP file.

Faruk Ulutaş

Faruk Ulutaş, siber güvenlik alanında derinlemesine bir uzmanlıkla donanmış bir bilgisayar mühendisidir. Kapsamlı programlama diline hakimiyeti ve geniş tecrübesi ile çeşitli siber güvenlik projelerinde yer alıp başarılı sonuçlar elde etmiştir. Çeşitli hackathon, kodlama maratonları ve Capture The Flag (CTF) yarışmalarında, hem yurt içinde hem de yurt dışında, gösterdiği üstün performansla sıkça ön plana çıkmıştır. Ayrıca, küresel ölçekte faaliyet gösteren bazı büyük şirketlerin siber güvenlik sistemlerinde kritik güvenlik açıklıklarını başarıyla belirlemiştir. Üstlendiği projelerde kullanıcı güvenliğini sağlamak ve siber saldırılara karşı koymak için çözüm üretme konusunda büyük bir yetenek sergilemiştir. Ulutaş, CyberSkillsHub üzerindeki rolü ile birlikte, öğrencilere kendi deneyimlerini ve bilgilerini aktararak siber güvenlik konusunda yeteneklerini geliştirmelerine yardımcı olmayı hedeflemektedir.